ALL PRICES WENT UP ON 2/2/21! Steel prices have risen 22% in TWO WEEKS! I have not had time to change the prices in the text of the ad yet.. NOW with an ASH PAN and a 25% BIGGER Firebox and a 2 FOOT by 2 FOOT DOOR! If you don’t see the on you want, write to me and I will list one for YOU! Legal in 49 STATES! HURRY because it it getting BUSY… NEW FEDERAL EPA LAWS are in effect now! For residential heating and commercial purposes. Outdoor WOOD boilers FOR A RESIDENCE are now OUTLAWED in ALL 50 STATES! Wood Boilers are still available in Canada, the U. Spain, Europe and other countries overseas! That means folks who have a shop (body, wood, auto, etc) or commercial business, greenhouse, barn etc. Because the law only prohibits WOOD furnaces for residential purposes! People simply hate how hard they are to start and that it’s a full-time job to keep them running because the wood HAS to be dried, under cover, for a minimum of two years! HYPROTHERM COAL BURNING FURNACE. Remember, when wood gets too heavy, you can easily shovel in coal! Permitted in 49 states , even for a residence! These will burn wood and coal equally well! Our ThermoWind furnaces may also legal where “boilers” have been outlawed. This can save you THOUSANDS! You’ve found the BEST! Our standard firebox is 3/8 thick! That is 50% thicker than most of our competition’s 1/4 firebox! Our closest competitor is only 1/4 thick. 250 We’re 50% thicker! HyProTherm Furnace is proud to announce that ALL HyProTherm Pro Series 185 , 265, 300 AND 350 furnaces furnaces have been tested (in their original configuration) and Certified to be 75% efficient or better and this means that you will burn less wood than others! Check out the Best Outside Wood Boiler and. Least expensive Coal and Wood Furnace prices! E water jacket bottom is THE SAME THICKNESS as the firebox. Because it is the most vulnerable part. 3/8″ standard thickness (already 50% thicker than most) and the 1/2″ THICK firebox option gives you a. HALF INCH THICK water jacket bottom. NO ONE ELSE DOES THAT – ANYWHERE! HyProTherm Wood and Coal Boilers and Forced-Air (Water-less) Furnaces. 2: It is the. Best outdoor wood boiler. Because it has up to a. Giving you more wood capacity which means heating more square feet. Using a 430 ton Press Brake. Giving you one piece of metal for three sides; meaning less welds which means less potential for leaks because leaks often start at welds. Almost as few welds as on a cylinder; Only 4 main welds 2 for the end plates and 2 to mount the firebox to the floor vs. 12 welds on a typical firebox. Three times less means less potential failures and leaks! Not only is the firebox thicker than others. The water jacket bottom is THE SAME THICKNESS as the firebox. 3/8″ standard and the 1/2″ THICK firebox option gives you a. NO ONE ELSE DOES THAT. It is the best wood boiler because Our Water-less Furnaces have. It is the best wood boiler because it has ALL. Off-the-Shelf PARTS ; nothing proprietary that you have to get from us. It is the best wood boiler because it has. No electronics; NO circuit boards, NO computerized parts. (like on the Wood Master and Central Boiler and many others)! 8 : It is the best COAL boiler because it has the. Superior cast iron grates. On all but the wood models. 9: It is the best wood boiler because it has. Pump installed WITH flanges. Many others don’t even give you one pump. PLUS our wood boiler has an. Extra set of ports. To heat another building, shop, garage, pool, hot tub, driveway, walkway, greenhouse, etc. Comes with water level gauge, analog thermometer, PRE-WIRED RANCO thermostat to control temperature swings to within 3 degrees, solenoid activated damper on 75 CFM forced-air induction blower, one pump standard plus an extra pump mount and return for a second pump. 10: It is the best coal and wood boiler because it has a. Nice big blower (75 CFM) in the back, to blow air (oxygen) up through the grates, just like a blacksmith’s forge! Absolutely necessary for COAL. And the best for wood! You get a real nice hot fire so that there are no unburned pieces of wood or coal left over (like on a Central Boiler). Comes with a simple solenoid activated damper too, (shown below) for less wood consumption! It is the best wood boiler anywhere because it has. To heat your domestic hot water. You don’t need an anti-scald valve! This slashed my electric bill by one third instantly , when I hooked up this wood furnace to my hot water heater! That is a HUGE savings! The best of the newest insulation; a combination of ceramic wool and a product from Knauf. This was done after insulation engineers told us that fiberglass insulation was only good for a home, where you are trying to keep 75 degree heat in. It is a different story when you are trying to contain 800 + degrees in a firebox; thus the new insulation. EVERY WATER FURNACE comes with a built-in heat exchanger to heat your domestic hot water No separate domestic Hot Water heat exchanger is needed Nor is a tempering or mixing valve needed, to avoid scalding water!! You also get a thermostat to control the water temperature in the furnace, automatically – along with a NOW BIGGER 75 CFM induction blower fan, in the back, to feed air to the bottom of the fire, like a blacksmith’s forge. This new 75 CFM fan that comes with an automatic damper – a simple solenoid activated damper; to open and close the door on the side of the fan, so instead of it being a manual adjustment, it will open and close that door 100%, which will stop the air from drafting into the firebox when the fan turns off. According to our customers, this saves a tremendous amount of wood and gives you better temperature control in the furnace. There aren’t any circuit boards to fail or fancy electronics to give any problem! No proprietary parts; you DON’T have to come to us to get a replacement part. Old Style with smaller door. This Model: HyProTherm COAL Series 185 is Rated to Heat up to 5,000 sq. WILL GIVE IT A 24 HOUR BURN TIME AND YOU WILL LOAD IT JUST once a day! (Instead of TWO times a day, which is normal in the industry) There is no such thing as a furnace that is too big because it is not like an air conditioner, where if you get one too big, it becomes inefficient. This is like getting a bigger propane or oil tank! You can load it with more wood full rounds – no splitting! And it will burn longer and therefore you will load it less often. In contrast, many people have said, I wished that I listened to you! NOW with Cast Iron Grates standard! Cast-Iron Grates (below) are STANDARD! Shaker Grates (below) are optional to help get rid of clinkers. The HyProTherm Coal Burning Furnace is specifically designed to burn coal and it comes with coal grates and the NEW GRATES are all CAST IRON! Adjustable Steel Shaker Grates for a slight ADDITIONAL CHARGE! Write to me and I will list one for you! The above steel shaker grates are the FIRST adjustable shaker grate in the industry! You can adjust the spacing from ½” to 1″ to accommodate different types of coal. We now carry 6 sizes of front-loading COAL burning furnaces. These models are specifically designed to burn coal; with the fan feeding oxygen in from the bottom, the coal burns easily. A shaker grate can help get rid of the clinkers. For those who are interested: Can burn ALL Grades/Sizes of Coal. Anthracite this type of coal has the highest percentage of fixed carbon and a lower percentage of volatile material than all other coals, making it harder to ignite. However, when it is ignited, it burns relatively smokeless. The most well-known anthracite mines in the United States are in western Pennsylvania. Bituminous Bituminous coal is the most abundant and most widely used coal. This is the type of coal found in the Appalachian region. It has a higher heating potential and is used for making coke. It has a higher percentage of fixed carbon, greater heat value and better weathering characteristics than lignite and sub-lignite coals. Most of the non-metallurgical grades of bituminous coal are burned in boilers or furnaces to obtain thermal energy for generating electricity. Because bituminous coal is softer than anthracite, it is often referred to as soft coal. It does emit smoke as it burns, unlike anthracite. However, there is a region in Southern West Virginia where the bituminous coal burns relatively smokeless. The Smokeless Coal Fields of Southern West Virginia are unique in the world. Sub-bituminous A lesser grade of coal, it has more moisture and less carbon than bituminous. Nut Coal – Very small coal – about 1/4 in size. See important note below. You must notify us, if you plan on using “NUT COAL”, rice coal or pea coal, as they are all very small, SO WE CAN GIVE YOU A DIFFERENT GRATE. In the United States, the coal power plants generate 50% of the electricity produced. Introducing the only 5-YEAR RUST PROTECTION! NO chemicals to add annually! Never worry about forgetting ever again! Note: All chemicals are always extra, however Rust Blocker costs less per year than regular chemicals. Get SUPERIOR PROTECTION that treats the metal and not the water, imparting an oxygen-barrier surface protection on the metal! GREAT Feedback going back 8 years! Thank you for the furnace. Best Outdoor Wood Furnace Stove – Outside Boiler 37 yrs (#190331731343). Item as described , very helpful , A+++. Reply by aware (Mar-09-08 18:06). We’re glad you like the Best Outdoor Wood Burning Furnace! Reply by aware (Mar-15-08 19:13). We’re glad you like this Outdoor Wood Burning Furnace! Reply by aware (Nov-03-07 10:12). We’re glad you like your Outdoor Wood Burning Furnace! Nice looking furnace worth to have delivered set on pad by nice helpful workers. Reply by aware (Oct-29-07 17:00). Reply by aware (Oct-25-07 14:39). I talked to the boss, and twisted his arm, and.. Now with even MORE INSULATION! R50 in the roof! R23 in the walls R-57 in the front against the 700 degree firebox. More than a house! We now use SOLARGUARD TOO! It’s a state-of-the-art insulation that fights heat loss three ways; radiation, conduction and convection heat losses. LOTS of Different colors and ALL come with motion lights! Examples may not be available: Ocean Blue with White; White and Red; Ivory with Brown; Green with Black; White with Black; Ivory with Green We custom build every furnace for you , so when you order, you can specify YOUR choice of 1 7 great c o l o r s to best suit your surroundings! Over 8,000 different color combinations! Mix and match the roof, roof trim, sides and corners and even the front can be a different / darker color at no extra charge so it doesn’t show the smoke stains as much! Our furnace is SO strong, we can suspend it from the chimney alone! This is how we move and load every one of them! Had a little fun with Photoshop here; showing it at the Grand Canyon, but this is really being lifted and moved by the chimney, made of 1/4 thick steel! That’s the way we always move and unload them when we deliver them, every day :o. Please wait while these pictures load. Fed up with sky high High Oil and Energy prices? Smoke in your house? Heat your whole house and garage/workshop and your hot water and your driveway or walkway, and a Pool or Hot Tub with a clean, efficient OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE! No smoke in your house anymore! They don’t burn up the oxygen in your house or suck cold air in from outside! Save your lungs and help prevent allergies too. COAL is still cheap! And large unsplit logs – like this furnace uses – are the cheapest of all! Saves you Half the work! Have Clean Heat, Clean Air, Clean Floors and walls and plentiful domestic Hot Water too, with our built-in heat exchanger in our Hot Water (Boiler) Wood Furnaces! Great with RADIANT HEAT! It’s the BEST! It’s the The Cleanest! And there’s no air blowing around! ALL New Furnaces have a. On-Site 100% paid for 5-years and then generously pro-rated 20 years on the firebox and 10 years on water jacket. Who else offers that, who has been around 47 years? A lot of warranties only cover parts (not even labor)! A gentleman called me and told me his 2-year old C_____l B____r was leaking! All major problems such as leaks. Building Quality Wood & Coal Furnaces for 47 Years. We are actively looking for dealers in ALL STATES and Canada! OUR FURNACE BUYERS SAID. Best Outdoor Wood Outside Boiler – Furnace Stove 37 yrs (#190341274667). Can’t wait to get those low gas bills this winter! Best Outdoor Wood Outside Boiler – Furnace Stove 37 yrs (#120482376608). They answer any questions you have. Outdoor Wood Furnace Stove – Outside Boiler -Since 1972 (#190332576451). Good to deal with nice people. Very Good Deals On Very Good Products. We’re glad you like Outdoor Wood Burning Furnace! Great to work with. Wounderfull working with him. Reply by aware: We’re glad you like your Outdoor Wood Burning Furnace! As nice, courteous, and helpful a sellers as you will EVER find! Would recommend excellent service thanks guys. Wood Boiler seems like a great unit. Yet to hook it up. We make it simple without expensive electronics to break down. We make it user serviceable. Anyone can maintain our furnace! We use a common Ranco thermostat available at almsot anywhere. We use a simple mechanical fill valve – not electronic. Just flip it on for 20 seconds, once a week, when you are out there filling it with wood. We make our firebox to last! Ours is 50% thicker! 3/8 vs 1/4″ We have 1/2″ option too. We give accurate BTU ratings using an established scientific formula. They say what sounds good. We have a 2-light motion detector flood light on the front. We have an induction fan not a dismal damper to fuel the fire with oxygen. Our fan is in the back , behind a door, where you can’t get shocked AND it blows the air through the grate into the bottom of the fire LIKE A BLACKSMITH’S FORGE – NOT into the side of the fire! Fires burn from the bottom up, right? Customer Easily Replaceable POTABLE Hot water coil. Our pump only runs on demand NOT 24 hours a day as with the others! We have been building fine energy efficient furnaces for 44 years! Our wood grate uses 3/4 Bar Stock! Our COAL grates are cast iron. Many others don’t even have any grates. Write me with any and all questions! This Model: Coal Series 185 is Rated to Heat up to 5,000 sq. In PA OR 2500 sq. Loading it just ONCE A DAY! The owner heats his Older 5000 sq. Home AND a 500 gallon hot tub AND his Hot Water AND a shop. With a 27 year-old model! He is in a temperate climate (North Arkansas). Severe climates should rate this at 4500 sq. Feet in a well-insulated home. As a test of burn times, the owner of took the thermostat off his 25 year-old furnace, so that the fire would rage at maximum burn 24 hours a day. Yet at MAX burn, he still only has to load it every 12 hours. Normally, he goes as long as 24 hours without reloading it. A customer called and told me he goes 18 hours between loads (1/17/08). Don’t believe the hype and misinformation about 42-98 hour burn times. This is only true in the summer. 350 model shown heating 1935 home. Our original design in our most popular color – Evergreen with Black trim. No logs or coal to carry in means no messy ashes and bugs in the house! The chance of carbon monoxide build-up in your home is eliminated. Eliminate allergies by getting the smoke outside! The chance of a gas explosion from your furnace in your home is eliminated. Indoor pollutants of harmful gases and fumes are eliminated too. Eliminates the chance of chimney fires from your furnace. If you live in a suburban or rural area near a source of cheap wood, you could heat your home for the entire season for the cost of one month’s electric heat bill. An outdoor furnace requires less tending than a small indoor unit. No inside oxygen is used to fuel the heat like other wood or gas burning units. Water heat does not dry up your sinuses and eliminates respiratory problems caused by burning wood indoors. Designed to work with your existing heating system, be it forced air or a boiler. Works excellent with radiant heat! SEE OUR BOILER INSTALLATION PICTURE. Burning wood, a total renewable resource, is less expensive than other fuels. The cost of electric, gas, oil, or propane can be very erratic. The low cost of wood remains constant – or FREE! One unit can heat your home, garage, shop, hot tub, driveway, walkway, pool, hot tub and domestic hot water. The furnace hooks up to ANY existing hot water, gas pack, heat pump or forced air system. Most people pay for their furnace in 1-2 years! Where else can you get that? An outdoor furnace is the BEST INVESTMENT! Can take up to 3 min on a modem to load the whole page. Get the Bugs, Dirt, Wood and Smoke outside. Your lungs will love you! Taupe sides and roof with black front, corners and roof trim. Many people are getting lower rates because they are getting the fire and related hazard, out of the house! A PROVEN design – since 1972! We feel we build the safest furnace (nothing electrical outside). We have the BEST PRICES, the simplest furnace and a Very Friendly Staff to help you every step of the way. These furnaces now come with a double flood light on the front, for ease and safety of loading the wood at night. Not only that, it’s a MOTION LIGHT! No forgetting to turn it off. If it’s dark outside and you go near the furnace, it turns on! New, nicer looking furnace! Now with nice neat grommets. TWO FOOT X TWO FOOT INSULATED DOOR! Coal can be thrown in easily, without strain, by the shovel load… Using wood for your shop, garage or pool? Just a 15″ round log, 30″ long, will weigh 112lb – more than most people can ever lift! Trust me, the door is more than big enough for anything you can lift into the furnace AND the thick door frame will take a pounding as you throw them in! 26.5″ x 26.5″ DOOR with a 24″ x 24 Opening The TOUGHEST door you’ll ever find with TWO 1/4″ solid steel plates separated by a 3 air shield. There is also the astounding Superwool insulation BETWEEN the plates! This plate keeps the hot air in and deflects it off the door. With very little metal to transfer heat to the door it does an excellent job of insulating the door just by itself! Very heavy duty motor mount style hinges! OUR DOORS won’t fall off, unlike some others out there! 1/4 thick flue (as thick as most people’s fireboxes) will not get damaged by throwing wood in. Having the chimney come down low and stops the heat, gases and smoke from rushing right out the chimney AND creates a HUGE secondary burn chamber! No complexities or hard starting issues NO computerized parts. Will burn ANY type of coal. STANDARD Cast Iron Grate. Now THAT’s thick! (Most others are 3/8″ – 1/2″). 1/2 inch Firebox option 50% thicker! 500 Thick Steel Firebox – 5/10th OF AN INCH. WILL NOT burn through – EVER – even burning red hot coal! Will not crack or split like stainless steel! This is typical of Stainless Steel. 125 and another at. Ours is 3/8th inch with an optional 1/2 thick firebox AND water jacket bottom; the most vulnerable part! We have a removable ash pan! Some other makes don’t even have GRATES or an ash pan at all!! That makes it HARD and dangerous to clean out! You have to let the fire die down or move the burning wood aside (yea – right) to scoop out the hot ashes. Similar to a cylinder for a firebox. We just have to weld the end plates on because we use ONE PIECE OF STEEL to make the firebox, using a 430-TON press brake! Then we weld it the bottom of THE SAME THICK METAL (3/8″ OR 1/2″ THICK). It WILL NOT RUST through in a lifetime! Will not get stress cracks causing a major leak like Stainless Steel! We have furnaces 30 years old and more, still in use today! Actual photo of a fire inside our firebox, only minutes after reloading with wood! Hyprotherm 185 Firebox size is 30″ wide x 34″ high x 34 deep (long) All other models, except for the Hyprotherm 85 model have the same width and height. Only the lengths change. Hyprotherm 265 Firebox size is 50% bigger 30″ wide x 34″ high x 50″ deep (long) Hyprotherm 300 Firebox size is 30″ wide x 34″ high x 58″ deep (long) Hyprotherm 350 Firebox size is DOUBLE of the 185 30″ wide x 34″ high x 69 deep (long) It is surrounded with 185-350 gallons of water; absorbing the maximum amount of heat possible! Model number is how many gallons the boiler will hold. The chimney is also surrounded by water, capturing heat that would otherwise be lost! INSTALLED PUMP, with FLANGES. Forced-air fan and a Ranco thermostat with display, is included along with an analog thermometer. Water level gauge, top left. All parts are available everywhere. There are NO proprietary parts or circuit boards! Comes STANDARD with TRIPLE Hookup for heating a Home AND a shop / garage / apartment AND potable domestic Hot Water too! NEVER run out of hot water again! CONSUMER REPLACEABLE and cleanable Potable Water Coil (50 foot long copper coil) carries hot water, heated by the water reservoir directly to your hot water heater. We show you how! No separate plate or side-arm heat exchanger is needed!! No mixing valve is needed to avoid scalding water on your hot water heater, because ours is thermostat controlled! Again, this is potable (drinkable) water. Pumps run on demand NOT 24 hours a day like others! There are legs on the bottom with the siding surrounding the bottom to ground level. A pad is recommended but you can use solid concrete blocks or railroad ties to support it! Watch the VIDEO now of. Silvercotes SolarGuard® Corner Burn Test Pass. The removable ash is approx. 16″ wide x 6″ deep x 30to 64′ long (varies with firebox size). It is a removable pull-out ash pan because it is the easiest way to clean out the ashes! Some other makers don’t even have an ash pan OR have grates! You have to let the fire die out or shove the hot burning logs aside – then clean it out while the firebox is 700 plus degrees – and then restart the fire in the dead of winter! Who wants to do that? Water surrounds the top and both sides of the firebox AND the chimney as well, extracting all the heat possible. The chimney is low on the firebox and exits about 1 foot from the bottom, so that the smoke – or more importantly, the gas and heat – is trapped so that it doesn’t quickly escape out the flue. That would be a big loss of efficiency. The air has to cool off to find its way down and out the chimney. This is also a better idea since you don’t have hard to clean baffles getting a creosote buildup on them. This also creates a huge secondary burn chamber, to more completely burn the gases and wood! When wood starts to burn it’s the gas that burns first! Another advantage is that the chimney exits through the water, further heating it up – for free! Barn Red or Brick Red with Black Corners. Many manufacturers only use 60-125 gallon tanks! The size (water capacity) is critical when heating a larger building. Too little water means not enough BTU storage for the cold, windy days! DON’T BELIEVE it when they say they can heat 4,000 sq. And have 300,000 BTU. That’s scientifically impossible without heating the water to over 300 degrees! We can heat a house with a water temperature as low as 130 degrees as opposed to 160-180 degrees in a competitor’s with a smaller tank. However, our thermostat is adjustable up to 180°F but no need to run it over 150°F , unless you have a boiler – SAVING YOU FUEL (WOOD)! Larger tanks, like ours, also allow faster recovery and heating – plus a bigger reserve for those really cold days. Water tank is made from 3/16″ walls and 3/8″ or 1/2 thick WATER JACKET BOTTOM; the most vulnerable part! MANY time thicker than many others using only 16 gauge. 1/8 is the standard in the water tank industry for any water tank. We are 50% thicker and tree to four times thicker in the bottom. NO ON ELSE DOES THAT ANYWHERE! There is an air handler/blower that feeds air into the firebox, below the grate, to feed oxygen to the fire. It is thermostatically controlled to keep the water at a set temperature that you can adjust. We have an automatic fan now, that is 75 CFM versus 50 CFM. It now comes with a solenoid activated damper, which slams the door 100% closed, when the fan turns off – so that no air is bleeding into the firebox. This totally eliminates any kind of fire or flame smoldering, so that you burn less wood (according to our many customers) and you get better temperature control because there is no heat coming from the firebox, that is otherwise unregulated. Water fill valve with overflow tube around the corner and to the left, shown with 5/8 thick heavy duty poker; 3′ long plus handle. Easily push 3 foot logs all the way back into our biggest boiler, that has a firebox just shy of 6 feet. Simply pick one day of the week like Saturday and open the valve until you see water run out of the overflow tube (to left of valve). You will know that it is full but there is also a water level gauge in the back of the furnace behind the full-sized 4 foot wide door. Our furnace is so strong and well-made, that the chimney alone is strong enough to carry even the 2600 lb. Weight of our biggest furnace! We move them like this every day! Exterior is made of Heavy Duty Siding – 29 gauge structural quality, full-hard steel. 10 layers of protective coating. 1 7 c o l o r s to best suit your surroundings! Mix and match the roof, sides and corners. Concrete pad is recommended but is not necessary. Use railroad ties, solid concrete blocks or? The chimney is made out of 1/4 thick, solid steel pipe and is surrounded by water. It tops out at about 90 feet above ground. You can EASILY add 6 regular stovepipe extension(s) with our free adapter. We will simply trade the standard free chimney cap for the adapter, since you will be using a different chimney cap, when you extend your flue pipe. Huge rear door for super easy access!! Some other manufacturers have to have the whole hull removed by 2-3 people! Shown without door and optional pumps All have double pump hookup (2 ports, supply and return). ONE pump comes with the furnace. The built-in heat exchanger is FREE, for your domestic hot water! HUGE, extra Large rear access hinged door. All electrical items are in back, safely behind a huge door! Easy water and electrical hookups. No special tools needed. The easiest furnace for the self-installer to put in! We help you every step of the way! View through ash pan door and you can see the air blower inlet (seen in back of this picture). The blower in the back is a great aid in getting a fire started. It also recovers the water temperature much quicker – just like a blacksmith feeds his fire with oxygen! A clean-burning fire is more efficient than a smoky air-restricted fire. The forced draft will burn hotter and therefore cleaner. Secondary gases burn at 1200 degrees and with our furnace, they are trapped in the firebox so that they are available to be burnt off without escaping out the chimney. The HyProTherm will exceed that temperature. The air blower determines how hot the fire burns and therefore how hot the water gets. A thermostat on the back of the water jacket tells the blower when to turn on and off, so it doesn’t run all the time and waste your wood. This is a LOT more efficient than a manual damper will ever be! The air blows into the bottom of the fire, through the grate – like a blacksmith’s forge. That’s better than blowing in from the front – into the side of the fire, as all others do (if they even have a fan). COAL MUST have air/oxygen blown in from the bottom. A fan on the front door (like so may others) will not work! You get more complete burning from a fire where the oxygen is fed through the bottom as opposed to blowing over the fire from the side, like others that have that big box on the door! The average cost for installation (labor) based on average specs is approx. If you do some work yourself, it would be a lot less. Many places allow you to be your own contractor. This will vary depending on your local rate and location. Kit costs will vary depending on the number of feet from your house. Other variables include heating your hot water or adding a 2nd heat exchanger for a separate building. This will require more pipe and a separate pump and thermostat in most cases. Don’t forget a concrete pad, if possible, approx 4 thick. We just need to distribute the weight because front-loaders can weigh over 3 TONS when full of water! It will take only ½ yard for a 4’x10′ pad (approx 4 thick), giving you a nice place to stand pile wood and load it. Using a simple water-to-water Heat Exchanger. For a LARGER IMAGE. Many people can pay for their furnace in a year and a half of oil or propane bills! Start with a small piece of wood. O BUT you CAN burn whole rounds, with NO SPLITTING needed! Seriously, you can use these bigger, cheaper pieces or smaller ones – whatever you can easily handle. The bigger ones (rounds) require less or NO cutting and splitting so they cost less – about 80-90 a cord in most areas. ANY wood or coal is cheaper than oil, gas and electricity! One person said that they have never used their propane heater after propane prices tripled! Whole rounds burn longer and cleaner and it’s SO NICE not having to split the wood! You can burn ANY coal, regardless of size. Shove the logs in on top of each other or shovel the coal onto the grate. Burning coal and wood together works extremely well according to our customers but remember, you cannot use wood in a coal furnace for residential purposed, in the U. Use the poker (provided) for safety to push the logs in. That big thick strong poker comes with the furnace – for FREE! Thought there wasn’t a fire? Within a couple of minutes – literally – this fire was roaring, thanks to our forced induction fan that comes free with every furnace! This new design (bottom) of hot water coil cover allows the water level to be much higher allowing rust protection even to the top plate PLUS more water = more BTU storage. The old design (top) was about 2 inches lower, leaving an air gap and less water/BTU storage to heat your home, even if the fire goes out. This Model: HyProTherm Coal Series 185 is Rated to Heat up to 5000 sq. Please allow 4-5 weeks for your furnace to be delivered to your door because every furnace is custom built for you and fitted with your choice of 17 available colors and we have over 8,000 combinations! We will build YOUR furnace in any of 21 exciting colors or any combination thereof! Just a few EXAMPLES of Color Combinations. Over 8,000 Different Color Combinations! Not all colors are available at all times. We can also build your furnace so that you can apply regular wood siding, brick, faux (cultured) stone or almost anything else. Write to me and I’ll list one for you. Questions about stainless steel answered. Do you build with stainless steel? No, we don’t build stainless for several really good reasons. Our furnaces last longer than stainless with MANY furnaces still in use after 30 years plus!! Mild steel transfers heat better than stainless does. Stainless is a great sales feature, but little else, since most companies use cheap stainless, like a car’s exhaust system. There are many grades of stainless out there. Since stainless is so expensive, the fireboxes are made really thin. Some are no thicker than the metal in a 55 gallon barrel or the thickness of a trailer fender!! That’s why you see so many split and broken apart. Our optional firebox is almost. 500 inches thick (HALF INCH) as opposed to. 200 in many furnaces. Just 31 thousandths shy of 1/2 inch!! They never rust through. Stainless is more prone to stress cracks, so why use it? Unless the stainless is retreated after welding, you’ve lost all of it’s properties through the heating of the metal. And it’s being welded to mild steel anyway, so what’s the use? Like I said, it’s a great sales feature but our super thick mild steel furnace heats better, doesn’t crack and split – and last longer! If stainless was better, we’d surely be using it after 47 years of experience. The potential for electrical shock is something we have tried to totally eliminate. That is why unlike our competitor’s stoves, our stoves do not have electrical control boxes, draft fans, etc. We believe these impose too much risk should a problem ever arise. We also believe that to have anything too complicated on a wood furnace is unnecessary. We have made our furnaces to be simple, and reliable and we have proven that with 38 years of use. We do not have complicated self-fill, or water level indicators on our furnaces. They are simply things to wear out or malfunction requiring costly service and repairs. We install a simple manual valve which you turn on until water runs out the overflow, and flip back off. This takes about 10-20 seconds. These stoves were developed by us, for our own use. We started making them for others slowly and now our stoves are well known locally for their simplicity, and their maintenance-free operation. Hot Water Wood Furnaces are indeed the very best heating choice. HyProTherm Furnace is a privately held company and was established in 1972. A Heating and Air company preceded it and dates back to. Billy and his Dad, Gerald, were in the heating and air business for decades. They began to develop their first prototype. For their own home. In the 60’s. Gerald knew there had to be a better way than to pay for oil, even though it was cheap back then. His main concern however, was to get rid of the smoke and ashes in the house. It was obvious it could cause serious health problems. Besides the soot all over the place was a chore to clean. Having the wood outside already, made the plan simple. Put the wood stove outside! Stick something like a heater core from a car in the plenum and it would radiate heat – and the hot water could be pumped from the outside. He developed a model for himself and continued to improve on it over the years. Our wood furnace (now HyProTherm) was indeed the first. The last revision was made in 2009 and the furnace remains a leader in the industry with amazing innovations, today. Now Gerald’s son Billy heads up the business. We have been in business for 47 years and we are a family run business. We are a brick and mortar business in Salem, Arkansas – and we are here to stay. We stand behind the quality of our furnaces 100%. We believe that we can give you a quality furnace and save you thousands of dollars on these refurbished furnaces, at the same time. See My Great 100% Perfect Feedback! How is Feedback percentage calculated? Apr-05-98 in United States. Member since: Apr-05-98 in United States 21 YEARS! More Feedback received on our Outdoor Wood Furnace, over the past three years! Reply by aware: We’re glad you like your Outdoor Wood Furnace Boiler! Great ebayer five stars!!! Great people to deal with. Reply by aware: We’re glad you like your Outdoor Wood Burning Furnace. Reply by aware: We’re glad you like your Outdoor Wood Burning Furnac e. Salem, Arkansas 72576 AT OUR COST! We’ll even put it on your pad for you, if it is accessible. Thanks for looking and have a great day! 2006, 2007, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. The item “RESIDENTIAL Outdoor COAL Boiler Furnace Outside Forced Air Hydronic withASH PAN” is in sale since Monday, June 12, 2017. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Other Heating, Cooling & Air”. The seller is “aware” and is located in Salem, Arkansas. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Modified Item: No
- Material: Mild Steel
- Model: COAL Series 185
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Custom Bundle: No
- Non-Domestic Product: No
- Color: Multicolor
- Finish: 21 COLORS
- Type: Coal Heater
- MPN: FLRH-185
- Brand: HyProTherm