Army Air Forces AAF Scrapbook 1942 WWII. This is a scrapbook from a mother & father as a Christmas gift to their son, Floyd. The father and son had the same first name. Their last name escapes me. The father served in the Army Air Force during WWI and the son served during WWII. The scrapbook shows signs of wear such as some pages have come loose and there are discolorations and small tears. There are color and black and white clippings of fighter planes from many countries, playing cards resembling spotter cards w/ different fighter planes, articles from magazines, Army Air Force pin ranking list, and even a Pontiac General Motor advertisement on the back inside cover. There are 27 two-sided pages, some with more than one article attached. On the inside cover is written Merry Christmas 1942 to Floyd from Mother and Daddy. Please see the photos for a visual description.